Saturday 1 May 2010

Author Unknown!

To my dear wife,
I can't wait to fall in love with you, understand you, hate your differences and still love you for them,
I can't wait for the fights, lying next to you and realizing it wasn't worth it, you chose me, you're mine and I yours, I'm supposed to make you happy,
Can't wait to miss you!
Cant wait to see the babies you'll give me, and see how much of you is in them, 
Can't wait for u to ask me if I still love you so I can prove I do and always will, 
Cant wait to make you cry, then Comfort you cause you remind me of how much it would hurt to lose you,
Want to get jealous, hate someone cause you hate them too!
Can't wait not to speak and still understand each-other, 
I can't wait... For you!!