Sunday 10 June 2012

Lifes little Gambles!

Okay… so, how do you move from all the way up to a smack in the face down,
from plenty to less than enough?
To a point where you become ‘the other person’?
Here is how… 
you accept the cards you have been dealt,
you look around the world of players,
Float and hope from heart deep to sky high that they don’t call your bluff!!
Realize when you need to fold or call,
Stare the dealer in his left eye and don’t flinch,
Sip slow, 
breathe easy, 
slow roll and move true to your heart’s desire,
Then and only then might you survive,
But there’s ways to cheat! 

Friday 27 April 2012

NOW, Harpers Island, there have been some very poorly written scripts before (Names withheld but feel free to comment below) that we have managed to sit through while looking past the obvious blunders and pitiable acting, but clearly Harpers Island might actually have the trophy for worst series I have ever seen in their trophy cabinet somewhere. Below are some of the reasons why, but before that, let me give you a brief synopsis of the series;

Harper's Island where the ‘murder mystery’ happens was once the scene of a gruesome sequence of murders seven years earlier. Now family and friends gather on the island for a wedding, but one by one they begin to die.

My problem is not so much with the actors but more with the script and its writers that chose to depict the characters as a batch of spineless, reflex impeded individuals as you will easily realize upon reading this or watching the series for yourself. So here we go;  

1.      Takes them 4 episodes and a death in a church to realise that up to 4 people have died since they boarded the boat to come to the Island. Their friends and Family have been simply vanishing and nobody notices until a dude gets some kind of spear right in the face. Then it’s oh, wait a minute, this dude is dead too, that dude is dead as well. Oh well we need to be a little bit more careful, arrest that retard (JD)and lets go back to our lives. Deduct 30 Points
2.      What was up with people knocking at doors and not saying anything even after being asked to identify themselves more than 3 times? I mean?? Squeeze first ask questions last, that’s how most of these so called gangsters last (Notorious BIG). Deduct 10 Points
3.      And then there is this retarded little girl they let wonder off all over the Island. We later realise she has made good friends with the bloody serial killer. What kind of parents are these anyway? We have concluded that they don’t really care about their family and friends but their kids too? This is too much. And for some reason she knows her dad is dead and still thinks it’s a game! Then she forgets some important information like, oh the dude that kidnapped me told me to lie to all of you and lastly (when it’s too late of course) remembers to mention there were two people where she was kept and not one. Deduct 20 Points
4.      And what happened to the scrap book that Abby was working on? For a moment I thought this endeavour was going to serve some purpose in the entire mystery, sadly not. It just vanished and that was that. Meanwhile the blond girl that fell into a hole while running after her little dog is never found; nobody even noticed she had died. And what happened to the dog eventually?? Deduct 15 Points
5.      Then comes the pointless journal the killer wrote in prison confessing how he murdered all those people and how they had to pay. I am not an expert on prisons but that seems like a confession to me, how’d this animal get 7 years only?? How’d the Scarface in the woods land on it and how in the world did JD get mixed up with him?? Here is how; Get this here and put that there, now we have a script, roll camera, let’s get paid and go home. Deduct 30 Points not 50 as it should have been.
6.      Why does everyone seem to forget to state the obvious and most important things, the little girl and her equally dull mom seem to forget the information about Jimmy being a suspected accomplice of Wakefield, or the sheriff who fails to tell Abby and Henry that Wakefield is not dead till he has a rope round his neck and is about to hang 12 above ground. I mean?? Deduct 5 Points
7.      Nobody remembers to reload their guns or even carry extra ammo. Why does everyone want to carry a double barrel anyway?? It loads 2 shots at a go; you left the shot guns behind!! Deduct 5 Points
8.      When Wakefield raids the bar, this dude grabs a table knife while the killer has a sword of sorts; the girl behind him grabs the shot gun and runs. If you do not see what’s wrong here then this series was made for you, have fun. Deduct 30 Points

Long story short, it sucked but I watched every last bit of it. It was funny looking at these fools get hunted, trapped and slayed while they wondered to themselves and each other, why or how it was happening!!

Meanwhile, they just had to have a bride running from the bad guy in her wedding dress, really, is there another way of saying we are so cliché and we love it?

Point the actual series begins at the end of episode 12 (Out of 13) when Henry kills his fiancé and we learn that he is actually Wakefield’s son and accomplice. If you have to watch this, simply skip to this episode and remind yourself that all you are missing is a couple of very low IQ’d people on an Island getting picked off one by one according to their levels of intelligence, the bright ones first and retards go last.
I am not going to lie but I knew Henry (The groom) was the killer, if you have a keen eye for detail, you would have noticed the handwritings all around the Island, the same handwriting in the note he sent his fiancé in episode 4 asking her to meet him in room 214! However, as time went on, I momentarily lost that belief, so 5 points for the writers there.

Total points deducted = -115
Total points awared = +5
Total over all points = -110.

The /er. 

Monday 16 April 2012

Legend of article.  [  / = Slash  ]

Before anything, I’d like to apologize to my dear / by mistake / unfortunate readers and followers for the sudden departure of ‘I’ the unprofessional / uncoordinated / poor spelling and poor punctuational writer. Worry not for I have taken it upon myself to punish thy self severally, as I write right now, please hold the following image close to your right hand before you smite down upon thy poor / pitiable scribe.

I am currently seated / cross-legged infront of my laptop / desktop at 4 / four /for in the morning while it pours cats and dogs outside, listening to a cocktail / mix / big mistake of Luther vandrose and Phil Collins drinking a small / humongous glass of wine / bottle of what might be an expired bottle of Vodka making a list of all my disappointments, all of which point to the man in the mirror. So it would seem I have a clear grasp of the problem??!! Not a bit, if life has taught me one thing / 20, is that understanding the problem is only the beginning of another problem, how to figure out a solution! Alas, maybe that’s what the comment section of this blog / diary / therapy is for. Feel free not to leave a comment; I will sincerely not appreciate it.

Okay, now that we have gotten that out of the way / thrown right into your face like a hot pancake, please remember to share / pimp this blog to all your friends / family / cute under 33 sisters with no babies that drive hummers and think gravity is in their wallets... (Writer swallows huge ball of saliva and continues) and let them know I am currently in a relationship / World war 3 / loving it and happy / call me / I forget the point. (That would be another time a periods saved my life)

Allow me to sign off right here and see you later / not if I see you first / duck like I inhaled dissolved engine oil meant for my knees and elbows...

The /er!