Tuesday 6 September 2011


When life hands you lemons, try to make mango juice instead, who’s to say it’s not the right thing to do? From my point of view, I have come to realise that we seem to have all accepted some unwritten law of fate and labelled it, 'that's the way its supposed to be' or my favourite 'But, that's just how things are'!! 

Here is an example from personal experience. This morning I woke up, a little later than am supposed to, and had this sudden craving for weetabix cereal. Unfortunately, the cupboard held other contents less appropriate to the occasion, Corn flakes!! Don’t get me wrong, I really like Corn flakes, but why today again!! Why didn’t I remember to buy more weetabix, why didn’t I run out of Corn flakes instead. As the clock ticked away and I slowly run into the shower session of my morning, it hit me, if you really want something then go out and get it! But not to the shops because they were still closed or the neighbours cause I doubt they had any anyway, but to the shelf where I put my blender!! 

Carefully measuring the quantities I was able to consume under the limited time I had left, I placed the corn flakes into the blender and 'blended' the corn flakes  into what slowly started to resemble what I craved most at that moment. After 5 minutes of none stop 'blending', the weetabix were ready and had actually even been warmed by the blade at the bottom of the accidental hero, the BLENDER. The rest was the usual,milk, sugar and no banana. Although it didn't quite taste like weetabix, I felt an overwhelming feeling of triumph over my dilemma. 

Never the less, I was handed Corn flakes and I had Weetabix. Same theory may apply to situations in life. We need to stop accepting things as they come. Only two things in life are unavoidable, death and taxation (Mark Twain), and these also depend on where live and in which era, for example if you were an Egyptian Pharaoh, it would be a different story. 

My suggestion would be, when you do receive your corn Flakes, take a step back and think, is this all I can get out of this? Is this what I really want? And once you realise that what you have is not what you really want, think about making Weetabix instead and do it quickly, if you don’t want to be late.

1 comment:

  1. LOL This sounds like a typical morning for you lol. Good theory though....
